Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gallery talk and book signing in Boston

Early this year, Lance Keimig curated Darkness Darkness, a group exhibition of contemporary night photography that has been showing in Boston since March. It is currently on exhibit at the Boston Convention Center, and there will be a gallery talk and an impromptu signing for my book at 6 pm this Thursday night, August 28. Fellow night photography book (NPB) contributor Christian Waeber and I will be tag teaming the talk to fill in for Lance, who is currently on a family outing somewhere along the Maryland coast. For those in the Boston area, what better a way could there be to kick off the upcoming Labor Day weekend and get ready for the school year ahead than to pay a visit to this landmark of modern Boston to view the exhibit, hear some great tales of photography after dark and take a peek inside my new book!

© Christian Waeber, Dog Walker, Lowell, MA.
After making a 15-second digital exposure of a foggy street scene, Waeber noticed a dog walker passing. The limited light on the scene would have resulted in the figure to being all but invisible in a capture made at his existing camera settings. Still wishing to capture the figure as a compositional element, he quickly boosted his ISO to 800. He shot a second image at _ second with the figure frozen in the middle distance. The noise inherent in the second exposure’s high ISO setting makes it less than ideal as a whole. But since the distant figure is surrounded by white light, Waeber was able to extract this form from the noisy image and layer it with the first image for a low noise composite. 
Camera: Canon 5D, Lens: Canon Tilt Shift TS-E 24mm, ISO: 200/800, Aperture: f/11, Exposure Time: 15” /1”, Lighting: a couple of seconds of flash light and silver reflector to open up the “School Zone” sign.